Training and Continued Professional Development


Offering innovative and productive training in


  • Montessori in the 21st Century
  • English as an Additional Language in the Early Years
  • Maths and Mud: taking the Maths curriculum outdoors
  • Strategies for Inclusion
  • Activity and Sport in the Nursery
  • SEND in Early Years
  • Risky Play
  • Loose Parts Play
  • Mud and Clay
  • Supporting Grief and Loss in Young Children
  • Language Acquisition
  • Valuing Boys and Championing Girls
  • What is Froebel Education?
  • Exploring the Steiner Kindergarten Approach
  • A New Approach to Settling In
  • Understanding Schemas
  • Mud and Conkers: Outdoor Learning
  • Children with Trauma
  • Additional Needs
  • Understanding ADHD
  • Managing Behaviour with Kindness



I also deliver tailored training to more closely match your specific needs. If you or an inspector have pinpointed a shortfall in your provision or staff training, get in touch and find out how Meaningful Schooling can help.